Deepa Iyer
Headshot for Deepa Iyer
Agent: Tanusri Prasanna
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Deepa Iyer is a South Asian American writer, lawyer and activist who has worked on immigrant and racial justice issues for over two decades. Deepa is the creator of the social change ecosystem map framework and the host of the Solidarity Is This podcast. Currently the Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Building Movement Project, she has held positions at a number of institutions including South Asian Americans Leading Together, Race Forward, the US Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division, the Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center, and the Asian American Justice Center. Deepa’s first book, We Too Sing America: South Asian, Arab, Muslim and Sikh Immigrants Shape Our Multiracial Future (The New Press 2015), received a 2016 American Book AwardDeepa has received fellowships from Open Society Foundations and the Social Change Initiative, and in 2019, she received an honorary doctoral degree from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Deepa is an immigrant who moved to Kentucky from Kerala (India) when she was 12 years old. Deepa is active online @dviyer (Twitter),  @deepaviyer (Instagram) and at

  • SOCIAL CHANGE NOW: A Guide for Reflection and Connection
    Skinner House Books, 2024
    Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2024