Tanusri’s list features compelling new voices in the adult and children’s books spaces. In fiction, she’s specifically interested in literary suspense and multi-generational family sagas. Diverse perspectives, contexts, and storytelling styles are always welcome. She also looks for select accessible and wide-reaching nonfiction that helps make sense of our times. In the YA and middle-grade spaces, Tanusri is drawn to contemporary coming-of-age stories, charming and relatable romances, ambitious world-building fantasies, and well-plotted, voice-driven suspense. She’s a big fan of stories set in schools or interesting neighborhoods told from fresh viewpoints. For picture books, her list includes both, meaningful and lyrical stories as well as ones that bring alive the wonder and complexity of our world with humor and heart. She’s also interested in select nonfiction that excites the imagination and curiosity of young readers. Originally from India, Tanusri lived in London for a few years before putting down roots in NYC. She is a graduate of the National Law School of India, holds an LLM from Harvard Law School and a PhD from Oxford University.
Current and Forthcoming titles:
- Huda Al-Marashi - HAIL MARIAM, Penguin/Kokila
- Ayesha Chaudhry - THE COLOUR OF GOD, One World
- Alec Carvlin - HOW TO BAKE A UNIVERSE, Norton Young Readers
- Natasha Khan Kazi - MOON’S RAMADAN and LULU IN THE SPOTLIGHT, Harper/Versify; BELA AND LILY, Penguin/Kokila
- Karen Konnerth - THE SNOWMAN WALTZ, Sleeping Bear Press
- Hope Lim - MY TREE, Neal Porter Books; I AM A BIRD, MOMMY’S HOMETOWN and AT THE WINDOW, Candlewick; SOURGRASS, S&S/Beachlane
- Jacque Lynn - SPACE MATTERS, Clarion
- Qasim Rashid - HANNAH AND THE RAMADAN GIFT, Penguin/Viking Children’s
- Anitha Rao Robinson- SARI SISTERS, illustrated by Anoosha Syed, Viking; MUSIC OF THE BELLS, illustrated by Chaaya Prabhat, Penguin/Viking Children’s
- Keerthik Sasidharan - THE DHARMA FOREST trilogy, Penguin India
- Simran Jeet Singh - Adult NF: THE LIGHT WE GIVE: The Power of Sikh Wisdom to Transform our Life, and DAILY WONDERS: Finding Grace, Solace, and Joy in Everyday Moments, Penguin/Riverhead Books; SIKHS AND SIKHISM, OUP
- Simran Jeet Singh - Children’s: FAUJA SINGH KEEPS GOING: The True Story of the Oldest Person to Ever Run a Marathon, A VAISAKHI TO REMEMBER, and WE BELONG TO THE WORLD, Penguin/Kokila
- Kevin Christopher Snipes - MILO AND MARCOS AT THE END OF THE WORLD and DON’T LET ME GO, Harper Teen
How to Submit to Tanusri Prasanna:
You can query her at tpsubmissions@defliterary.com. For adult fiction and YA/MG projects, please provide a concise pitch, short bio, and short synopsis. For picture books, please include the entire text in the body of your email, and for an illustrated project, please provide sample illustrations and links to your website/Instagram page.