Jennifer Keishin Armstrong
Headshot for Jennifer Keishin Armstrong
Agent: Laurie Abkemeier
Personal Website

Jennifer Keishin Armstrong worked at Entertainment Weekly for a decade and has written for many publications, including BBC Culture, the New York Times Book Review, Vice, New York magazine, and Billboard. She also speaks about pop culture history and creativity.

  • SO FETCH: The Making of Mean Girls—and Why We’re Still So Obsessed with It
    Dey Street, 2024
  • WHEN WOMEN INVENTED TELEVISION: The Untold Story of the Female Powerhouses Who Pioneered the Way We Watch Today
    Harper, 2021
  • POP STAR GODDESSES: And How to Tap Into Their Energies to Invoke Your Best Self
    Morrow Gift, 2020
  • SEX AND THE CITY AND US: How Four Single Women Changed the Way We Think, Live, and Love
    Simon & Schuster, 2018
  • SEINFELDIA: How a Show about Nothing Changed Everything
    Simon & Schuster, 2016
  • SEXY FEMINISM: A Girl's Guide to Love, Success, and Style
    Mariner Books/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013
  • MARY AND LOU AND RHODA AND TED: And all the Brilliant Minds Who Made The Mary Tyler Moore Show a Classic
    Simon & Schuster, 2013
    Forthcoming from Dutton