Meera Lee Patel
Headshot for Meera Lee Patel
Agent: Laurie Abkemeier
Personal Website

Meera Lee Patel is a self-taught artist raised by the New Jersey shore, where she swam the bright waters and climbed cherry blossom trees until she grew old enough to draw them. Her illustrations are inspired by the magical mysteries of nature, the quiet stories that lace through everyday life, and the bold colors of her native India. In addition to illustration and photography, she produces a line of stationery and textile products that can be found at boutiques and major retailers nationwide, including Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie.

  • GO YOUR OWN WAY: A Journal for Building Self-Confidence
    TarcherPerigee, 2023
    TarcherPerigee, 2023
  • CREATE YOUR OWN CALM: A Journal for Quieting Anxiety
    TarcherPerigee, 2020
  • MADE OUT OF STARS: A Journal for Self-Realization
    TarcherPerigee, 2018
  • MY FRIEND FEAR: Finding Magic in the Darkness
    TarcherPerigee, 2018
  • START WHERE YOU ARE Weekly Planner
    Clarkson Potter, 2017
  • START WHERE YOU ARE: Boxed Notecards
    Clarkson Potter, 2017
  • START WHERE YOU ARE: A Journal for Self-Exploration
    TarcherPerigee, 2015
  • HOW TO KEEP GOING: A Journal of Perseverance
    Forthcoming from TarcherPerigee
  • LEARN TO LET GO: A Journal for New Beginnings
    forthcoming from TarcherPerigee