Mihaela Noroc
Headshot for Mihaela Noroc
Agent: Brian DeFiore
Personal Website

I’m a 30 years old photographer from Bucharest, Romania but I spent most of the last 3 years traveling in different countries of the world.

My father is a painter so since my childhood I was surrounded by colours. When I was 16, I discovered photography but, unfortunately, in the next years I couldn’t make a living with it, so I had to work in other fields, where I could earn a decent income. Traveling during vacations as a backpacker, in different parts of the world, made me discover the diversity of our planet. So when I was 27 I decided to quit my ordinary life in Bucharest and put all my efforts and savings into travel and photography.

Even though The Atlas of Beauty became very popular all around the world, I’m the same ordinary person, with the same backpack like 3 years ago, that loves to explore the unnoticed beauty which lies in people around us.

I see myself like a very normal woman, with ups and downs. I work hard for my dream, and, by chance, this dream is very appreciated by mass media. But there are millions of women in the world, that work even harder for their goals and maybe their activities don’t seem so spectacular from the outside. I hope I will have the chance to photograph some of them for the project, capturing their inner and outer beauty and showing them how special they are.

    Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2025
    Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2023
    Ten Speed Press, 2017